Toby Evans ~ Owner and Operator of SageBrush Exchange
Offers A spiritual con-souling practice (counseling and consulting) from the Soul’s perspective.
30 years of spiritual practices, professional trainings and intuitive skills (Sage) come together with Toby's creative expressions (Brush), to inspire, guide and support others through passages of change. The Incan word for reciprocity is Ayni (Exchange). A balanced exchange of energy can occur when open minds and receptive hearts unite.
After teaching art with the Dubuque, IA public school system, Toby moved to the Kansas City area in 1987 and established SageBrush Exchange as an Art studio. Workshops were offered on her land incorporating art with Shamanic practices while exploring Native American and Incan Medicine Wheel teachings. With the installation of "The Prairie Labyrinth" in 1995, her art expanded to the energetic field, focusing on the land in sacred reciprocity with balancing mind, body, and spirit.
Her involvement with "soul retrievals" (A Shamanic practice of reclaiming pieces of self from past traumatic events) prompted her to begin hypnotherapy training in 2000. She is certified with Dr. Brian Weiss as a Past Life hypnotherapist, Dolores Canon as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner, and with The Newton Institute as an (LBL) Life Between Lives Spiritual Regressionist.
She is a founding member of the international organization "The Labyrinth Society" and "The Art Line Project" and author of: Chakra Labyrinth Cards, Keeper of the Circles: Answering Your Call to Wholeness, and Dead~But Not Gone: Are You Part of the Soul-Bridge to Guide Them Home?
Toby is available for speaking engagements and transpersonal workshops.
Toby Evans
Keeper of the Prairie Labyrinth
Past Life (PLR) hypnotherapist
Life Between Lives (LBL) Spiritual Regressionist
Akashic Record Consultant
Certified Soul Detective
Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner
Ordained Minister,
Founding Member of the Labyrinth Society
Founding Member of the Art Line Project
From Big Bold Media (BBM) Radio Program, Dead,But Not Gone:
(You can find these Radio shows as well as other interviews and articles in the Media section.)
In 1982, Toby Evans, the host of Dead, But Not Gone, began to dialogue with the unseen realms when the voice of her Higher Self broke through the sound barrier of her ordinary reality. Life as she knew it began to change. She transitioned from a public school Art teacher to a modern day, shamanic, Earth Steward creating one of the largest seven-circuit labyrinths in the United States. As “Keeper” of The Prairie Labyrinth, she transformed a five-acre field of native grasses into a potent portal, unknowingly drawing in earthbound spirits who wanted assistance to cross over to the "World of Light."
Dead, But Not Gone shares an aspect of the afterlife that is typically not considered, accepted or talked about: that loved ones, ancestors, friends or strangers that have died, may still be here, impacting your life more than you realize.
As a radio host, Toby Evans serves as a down-to-earth “soul-guide,” She captivates and informs you with her personal experiences, insights and wisdom. Her 30 years of experiential learning, professional trainings and working with clients are distilled into intriguing information that may expand your awareness of the invisible realms, empowering you with tools to become part of the “soul-bridge” to help guide earthbound souls home. Select shows are augmented by live interviews with some of her clients, mentors and peers.
The Radio program, Dead, But Not Gone was an outgrowth of Toby’s book,“Dead, But Not Gone; Are You Part of the Soul-Bridge to Guide Them Home?”
Soul sessions are offered through a spiritual con-souling and healing practice called SageBrush Exchange. Located in a rural setting, SageBrush Exchange provides a natural sacred space for a variety of transformational tools to nurture the soul.
SageBrush Exchange offers
Therapy for the Soul
Life Between Lives (LBL) Hypnotherapy
Past Life Regressions (PLR)
Spiritual Counseling
Soul-Crossings / Soul Detective Sessions
Akashic Record Consultations
Energy Medicine Sessions
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/Tapping sessions
Chakra Labyrinth Experiences
Transpersonal Workshops
Inspired (In-spirited) Art