Root Chakra (Earth) Angel ~ Kadmiel
I am related to Adam Kadmon, the first human. I am the union of opposites, half male and half female, embodying Divine Wholeness. Dissolve your sense of separation and trust the stability of your core foundation. The bloodline of the I Am is infused in your roots.

Sacral Chakra (Water) Angel ~ Hamiel
I flow with the kundalini life force energy, stirring your senses awake. Find what excites you and remove your resistance to FEEL. Every relationship is a mirror reflection inviting you to accept yourself.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Fire) Angel ~ Natanel
I hold the light of the Great Central Sun. Your internal fire builds your presence, giving you courage to take action and move with confidence in the world. Ignite your true resonance to reveal the Divine.

Heart Chakra (Air) Angel ~ Gabrielle
I stand at the gateway of your heart in the crosswinds of your human experiences. This space can take your breath away or it can fill you up. Allow love to breathe through you.

Throat Chakra (Ether) Angel ~ Michael
My sword cuts away layers of self-deception. The only protection you need is against your ego interpretations. Lean into my energy and trust your inner voice to speak loud enough for you to hear.

Third Eye Chakra Angel (Light) ~ Raphael
Give up the demanding distractions of your mind chatter and enter into the still point of your own single eye. Use it as a headlight to see what is right for you. Shifting old perceptions will change the world behind your eyes and redefine what lies before you.

Crown Chakra (Cosmic Energy) Angel ~ Uriel
I open your mind-shaft and lead you into a passage of amethyst light where you are eternally connected to your Higher Self. Actualize this connection and know you are One.

The Center
I return to the stillness of my center to connect with ALL THAT IS and receive what I most need.